Behind the Tragedy

Tragic murder of Houston family

Last week, Ron Haskell impersonated a Federal Express deliveryman to kill his ex-wife’s family in a shocking and tragic murder spree.

In court last week, Haskell’s court-appointed attorney Doug Durham offered a window into Haskell’s psychiatric history:

According to an account by KHOU in Houston:

Haskell’s court-appointed attorney Doug Durham said his client has a mental illness and wasn’t fully aware of what he did.

Durham said he will be arguing a case for insanity triggered by the trauma of divorce after Haskell allegedly went off his meds. He added that he has already met with Haskell for 30 minutes. Durham believes his client may not know right from wrong or what is — or isn’t — reality.

“He’s scared. I think he has a limited mental capacity of what’s going on and I think that’s another thing I need to explore in terms of competency,” Durham said.

Durham said Haskell has a history of mental illness and was not taking his meds. That will be the focus of his defense.

“Whether he was psychotic, to distinguish between right and wrong remains to be determined,” the attorney said.

But prosecutors aren’t buying it.

At Treatment Before Tragedy, we’ll try to better understand the forensic psychiatry of this tragedy.


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1 reply »

  1. It’s so hard for a normally functioning person to grasp the fact, that a mentally ill person can be two completely different people. And as the mentally ill person its also hard to grasp, its hard to apologize for things you don’t remember or had no control over doing.


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